台中國家歌劇院由日本建築師伊東豐雄設計,是台中引以為榮的新地標。 基於「聲音洞穴」的概念、彎曲牆單元和氣孔等元素,而無樑柱或90度牆。劇院設有三個符合國際標準的大劇院,劇場和黑匣子。
劇院設有三個符合國際標準的專業表演場地:大劇院、劇場和黑匣子。 它們每個都可以適應各種類型演出的需求。
The National Taichung Theatre, designed by Japanese architect Ito Toyo, is the new landmark that the city is proud of. Based on the “sound cave” concept, elements such as curved-wall units and air holes are used to build this changed space. The result is a newfound building that stands on its own firmly without supporting pillars or 90-degree walls.
The theatre is equipped with three professional performing venues which meet international standards: Grand Theatre, Playhouse and Black Box. They can each be adapted to fit the needs of various types of productions.