Fri Mar 14 2025 05:19:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

G20峰會前萬人集會 逼爆中環 10,000 Pack G20 Free Hong Kong Rally

民陣舉行「撤回惡法 還我自由」集會,在G20峰會前向世界表達港人訴求。

民陣號召市民在G20峰會本周五至六(28日至29日)舉行前,於今晚(26日)8至9時於中環愛丁堡廣場舉行「撤回惡法 還我自由」集會。





10,000 gathered at Edinburgh Place on Wednesday evening calling on G20 countries to raise concerns about Hong Kong at the leaders’ summit on Friday, hours after staging a mass march to foreign consulates to lobby country representatives directly.

At 8 pm the crowds already filled 80% of Edinburgh Place area.The rally began at 8:15 when the square was filled to capacity. The crowd overflowed into the neighbouring City Hall and Lung Wo Road area, extending to the International Finance Centre (IFC). Police Was directing traffic at the scene, and closed traffic lanes for the massive crowd dressed in black, packing the area in Central.

The rally first read out the declaration in English and then in different languages of the G20 countries, including Japanese, Indonesian, Spanish, French, German, Korean and Italian. A Taiwan representatives was invited to address the crowd. At the end,  the convenor of Civil Rights Front read the declaration in Cantonese.

No rally people count was provided by the organizers. Police estimated 10,000 attended during the peak period.

楊必興 P H Yang