來自紐約的 Dinah,熱愛攝影和城市探險,進入一座荒廢機槍堡,該堡位於一個小海灘的西北面海傍,其內部佈滿塗鴉。
相鄰的高建築物是一座里昂燈的遺跡。 里昂燈是一種獨立自給的(帶發電機的汽油發動機)小型探射燈(直徑約20 -24吋),是香港海灘防禦的組成部分。機槍堡和里昂燈的組合,正式稱為海灘防禦單元。
Dinah, an avid photographer and urban explorer from New York, ventures into an abandoned pillbox (bunker for machine guns), which is located on the waterfront to the northwest of a small beach. Its interior is covered with graffiti.
The adjacent tall structure on the seaward side is the remains of the Lyon Light shelter. The Lyon Light was a self-contained (Lister petrol engine with generator) small searchlight (about 20 -24 inch diameter) which was an integral part of Hong Kong’s beach defences. The combination of Pillbox and Lyon Light were referred to officially as a Beach Defence Unit.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.