今年的 deTour 以「設計本源」為題,聯同在地與全球設計師,通過網上互動的方式,引發全球對設計的思考與討論。展覽分為三個主要展區︰大型互動裝置、主題展覽及精選設計作品,用不同角度及創意,探討設計本質;面對無常轉變,重新審視人文發展路上的根本問題。
時間:11:00 – 20:00
地點:香港中環鴨巴甸街35號 PMQ元創方
With the theme of ‘Matter of Life’, deTour 2020 explores the role and value of design in everyday life amid our current times of change and uncertainty. Through virtual interactions, it brings together the local and international designers to share, exchange views and celebrate the act of design and creativity.
Date: Nov 27 to Dec 6, 2020
Time: 11:00 – 20:00
Venue: 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong. PMQ
Website: www.detour.hk.
Organiser: PMQ