Tue Mar 18 2025 01:58:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)



2023年6月17日,全國政協主席王滬寧在廈門第15屆海峽論壇上就即將設立「兩岸融合發展示範區」的講話指出, 中國大陸提出新計劃,計劃在未來幾年以福建省為平台,加速與台灣在社會、文化和經濟方面更緊密的融合。


中共欲加速融合 促統一台灣計劃








陸委會勸拿善意 勿對台軍事威嚇






福建的這些政策可以追溯到2020年12月,當時福建省委批准了與台灣更緊密融合的建議。 時任福建省委台港澳工作辦公室主任王玲表示,福建在「十四五」(2021年至2025年)期間將加快與台灣的融合。具體來說,鼓勵台灣企業參與5G通訊、數字經濟、人工智能、生物科技、醫療保健和綠色能源等相關建設項目。此外,還將建設集成電路產業合作試驗區、石化產業合作區和精密機械製造產業園。


利用基建設施 作為融合工具








第四,閩台融合模式將與港深(特別是前海)、澳珠(特別是橫琴)融合呈現出相似之處。 通過北部都會區的發展及新界與前海之間的聯繫(可能通過橋樑或地下隧道)加速連接,香港與深圳的融合將加也快──這一發展將在未來幾年內顯現。同樣,未來幾年,隨着更多澳門居民、資本和企業進入新區,澳門─橫琴合作區也將加速建設。閩台基礎設施合作和人員交流將齊頭並進。




Fujian’s socio-cultural and economic integration plan with Taiwan and its political significance

The remarks by Wang Huning, the chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, on the forthcoming establishment of a “Cross-Strait Integration and Demonstration Zone” during the 15th Cross-Strait Forum in Xiamen on June 17, 2023, were pointing to a new plan from mainland China on the usage of Fujian province as a platform to accelerate closer social, cultural and economic integration with Taiwan in the coming years.

Although the details of this plan will be published later, the parameters of the integration plan can be seen in the rapid development of Fujian’s attempt at integration with Taiwan in the recent years, implying that, if the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is going to accelerate its plan of “reunifying” Taiwan, or if mainland China is promoting the Taiwan model of “one country, two systems” to Taiwan, socio-cultural and economic integration will very likely be the first step of a stage-by-stage negotiation between the two sides.

On June 17, Wang Huning mentioned some points that deserve our attention. First, he said that people of the two Straits should treat themselves as members of a single family with the ideal of improving the developmental opportunities of the Taiwan people and Taiwan enterprises.

Second, he commented that the Cross-Strait Integration and Demonstration Zone would be established so that the people and enterprises of Taiwan would enjoy the same preferential treatment to conduct their businesses in the mainland.

Third, Wang added that Fujian would be the first garden for the Taiwan comrades and enterprises for the sake of “achieving mutual prosperity, fighting against Taiwan independence, and resisting the deviated path of confrontations.”

Fourth, he stressed that President Xi Jinping attached high importance to the Cross-Strait Forum and that the President wrote a congratulatory letter to the participants. President Xi, according to Wang, was emphasizing that “if the country is good, the nationalities are good, and the comrades of the two Straits are also good.” As such, President Xi hopes that the two Straits should deepen economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation with a view to promoting the well-being of the mainlanders and Taiwan people.

Fifth, Wang elaborated on the necessity of more cooperation at the civilian level, which builds up the foundation of cross-strait relations. To enhance mutual understanding, the PRC would make more efforts and promote the welfare of people from the two sides.

Sixth, Wang said that the peaceful development of the two Straits is the “correct path” of maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, promoting mutual well-being, and going through the process of “the renaissance of the Chinese nation.” The idea of “Taiwan independence” is “incompatible with peace across the two Straits.” Maintaining the 1992 consensus is also necessary so that the two sides would return to the “correct path of peaceful development.”

The Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) reacted immediately to Wang’s remarks by saying that the PRC side spends a lot of money to organize such forum annually, but the mainland side should “show its sincerity to stop military threats, to relax the political hindrance and limits to cross-strait exchanges, to allow completely the mainland students to study in Taiwan, to permit mainlanders to visit Taiwan as tourists, and to let the mainland people to experience democracy, freedom and pluralistic life-style for the sake of promoting mutual understanding and positive interactions.”

While the immediate responses from the MAC were understandable, the remarks made by Wang Huning signaled a new phase of mainland China’s policy of integrating with Taiwan economically, socially and culturally.

In fact, on January 11, 2023, the Fujian provincial governor Zhao Long delivered a work report of his government, saying that Fujian would accelerate the process of building up the Cross-Strait Integration and Developmental Demonstration Zone. Zhao added that in 2022 Fujian’s exports to Taiwan increased by 20 percent, while the number of Taiwan enterprises and capital investment in Fujian grew tremendously, including the petrochemical project of cooperation.

Furthermore, Fujian is going to promote Fujian-Taiwan electronic information, petrochemical industry, mechanical industry, biochemical technology, service industry, agricultural cooperation, and a special innovative garden for Taiwan farmers and businesspeople. Fujian will welcome and embrace Taiwan enterprises to participate in the mainland’s logistic and supply chain management and integrative process. Taiwan’s enterprises are welcome to be listed in the mainland’s securities and stock markets. Moreover, the energy sectors from both sides will have their resource transfer platform in Fujian, especially in the areas of Fuzhou and Pingtan where e-commerce and a common market will be fostered.

Moreover, the three little links between Fujian and Taiwan’s Kinmen and Mazu will be accelerated, including the acceleration of resumption of naval routes, and the supply of electricity, water and gas, as well as the possibility of bridge construction to create “a common market” between Xiamen and Kinmen and between Fuzhou and Mazu.

These Fujian policies could be traced back to December 2020, when the Fujian provincial committee approved proposals for integrating with Taiwan more closely. According to Wang Ling, the director of Fujian Province’s Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office at that time, Fujian during its 14th five-year plan from 2021 to 2025 would accelerate its integration with Taiwan. Specifically, Taiwan’s companies would be encouraged to participate in construction projects, including those related to 5G, the digital economy, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, health care and green energy. Furthermore, a circuit industry cooperative pilot zone would be established, while petrochemical industry’s cooperation and a precision machinery manufacturing industrial park would be built.

However, the persistence of Covid-19 and its variants delayed the projects of cooperation from 2020 to the early half of 2023. Now, with the end of Covid-19, Fujian’s original plan of integrating closely with Taiwan can and will be accelerated.

The revelation of the new Cross-Strait Integration and Demonstration Zone has important economic and political implications for the mainland’s relations with Taiwan.

First, Fujian is going to adopt the model of accelerated infrastructure development to integrate with Taiwan, especially Kinmen and Mazu, through the proposed construction of a bridge, or even an underground tunnel as planned and mentioned by mainland engineers, in the coming years.

If Hong Kong and Macau’s deeper socio-economic integration with Guangdong province has been conducted and accelerated by rapid infrastructural projects, such as the Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai Bridge, the same can be said of Fujian’s closer integration with Taiwan in the years to come.

The concrete benefit of utilizing infrastructure projects as integration tool is that it is non-political. Moreover, it can and will depoliticize cross-strait relations and demonstrate to the people of Taiwan that pragmatism and economic benefits prevail in the process of accelerated integration.

Second, if the mainland is going to discuss with the Taiwan side on integration, especially after a new president will be elected in Taiwan in January 2024, we can anticipate a more pragmatic scenario that socio-cultural and economic integration will proceed first before both sides will perhaps sit down to talk about the more difficult issue of political reunification.

A stage-by-stage process of negotiations between the two sides will be the most pragmatic way forward if the mainland is to achieve a peaceful “reunification” with Taiwan. This stage-by-stage process will very likely be seen in the coming years, regardless of who will be the leader of Taiwan.

Third, if the mainland leaders have been emphasizing the importance of the “Taiwan model” of “one country, two systems,” we can anticipate that the existing lifestyle and economic prosperity as well as the political system of Taiwan will remain unchanged. Taiwan will even have its own military, as some PRC leaders, like the late Marshall Ye Jianying’s nine-point proposal in September 1981, have emphasized. But this “Taiwan model” will entail an extraordinarily strong element of infrastructure projects and construction between Fujian’s Xiamen and Taiwan’s Kinmen on the one hand and Fujian’s Fuzhou and Taiwan’s Mazu as key pilot points.

Fourth, the integration model between Fujian and Taiwan is going to show similarities with the Hong Kong-Shenzhen (especially Qianhai) and Macau-Zhuhai (especially Hengqin) integration. The Hong Kong-Shenzhen integration is going to be accelerated through the development of the Northern Metropolis and the accelerated linkages between the New Territories and Qianhai perhaps through a bridge or an underground tunnel – a development that will be revealed in the coming years. Similarly, the Macau-Hengqin Cooperation Zone is going to be accelerated with the movement of more Macau people, capital and businesses into the new zone in the coming years. A parallel process of accelerated infrastructure cooperation and human interactions between Fujian and Taiwan is going to be seen.

Fifth, the new political leaders of Taiwan after January 2024 will be increasingly under this new pressure of pragmatic integration in socio-cultural and economic spheres with the mainland. It will be critical to the peaceful development of the two Straits on how they will tackle this prominent issue of integration. More political pressure will be exerted on the new political leaders in Taiwan from January 2024 onwards, no matter whether such pressure will be from the mainland or from the island of Taiwan and its diversified but fragmented political forces.

In conclusion, the announcement of the forthcoming establishment of the Cross-Strait Integration and Demonstration Zone is an important watershed in the relations between mainland China and Taiwan, especially between Fujian and the two islands of Kinmen and Mazu. The Taiwan model of “one country, two systems” is clearly taking shape, with the most important similarity of utilizing infrastructure projects and construction as the precursors of closer economic and socio-cultural integration, followed by another stage of a political dialogue over possible “reunification.” Even if the talks on political “reunification” will likely encounter various obstacles, in Taiwan both internally and perhaps externally, economic and socio-cultural pragmatism will not only prevail but will also propel Fujian-Taiwan integration in a much faster manner. As such, the Cross-Strait Integration and Demonstration Zone is signaling a politically significant new plan formulated by the mainland authorities to deal with the socio-cultural and economic integration with Taiwan in an intelligent, skillful and potentially fruitful way in the coming years.

