Sun Mar 16 2025 17:51:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

數千人中環集會 聲援星火 燃點國際 Thousands Rally in Central for International Attention on Spark Alliance

警方日前拘捕支援示威者組織「星火同盟」4名成員,指涉嫌洗黑錢,同時並凍結7000萬港元,晚上7時,數千人逼滿愛丁堡廣場,舉行「星火不息 燃點國際」集會,聲援「星火同盟」。

警方日前拘捕支援示威者組織「星火同盟」4名成員,指涉嫌洗黑錢,同時並凍結7000萬港元,引發部分市民不滿。民間發起今晚7時在中環愛丁堡廣場,舉行「星火不息 燃點國際」集會,聲援「星火同盟」。



晚上7時,大批市民逼滿中環愛丁堡廣場,多國國旗飄揚,有人豎立”Free HK”(光復香港)大型光牌。數千人到場,呼籲國際關注事件。

Police recently arrested four members of the “Spark Alliance”, a non-profit group that provides support protesters for alleged money laundering, and frozen $70 million in fund, causing dissatisfaction among some citizens. The public initiated a “Sparking the Free World Afire” rally at Edinburgh Place, Central, at 7 pm in support.

The rally was initiated by Sunny Cheung, spokesman for the delegation of international affairs from the tertiary education community, and Fergus Leung, incoming Central and Western District Councillor, and the Civil Rally Team. The rally was originally scheduled to be held in Chater Garden, but was changed to Edinburgh Place at the request of the police.

Ventus Lau, spokesman for the Civil Rally Team, said that the rally has been issued with a letter of no objection from the police, calling on citizens to participate, condemning the Hong Kong administration for violating the normal operation of the capitalist market, and impacting the reputation of Hong Kong as an international financial centre, arresting Spark Alliance members and freezing their assets without grounds.

At 7 pm, a crowd filled Edinburgh Place in Central with flags of many countries flying. Someone erected a large “Free HK” light panel. Thousands gathered calling for international attention.

楊必興 P H Yang