這座2層高的建築似乎是一座別墅,後來被用作教堂。 可以見到大廳牆壁上曾有個十字架的痕跡。 屋外設有游泳池和籃球場。已經荒廢10多年,雜草叢生。
An avid urban explorer ventures into a deserted church in the hills. The location is quite remote and could be a retreat.
The 2-storey building appears to be a villa which is later used as a church. Trace of a cross which had been removed from the wall in the main hall can be found. A swimming pool and a basketball court is on site. It has been deserted for over 10 years and the compound is overgrown with bushes.
Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.