Mon Mar 17 2025 05:22:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Cherie 探索荒廢百年大宅 Cherie Explores Deserted Century-old Mansion

熱愛行山和城市探險的 Cherie,進入一座廢棄的3層高百年大宅,後來被改造成一所學校。建於1902至1903年間,自2012年以來一直被荒廢,內部幾乎完全清空。 2019年被評為二級歷史建築。

熱愛行山和城市探險的 Cherie,進入一座廢棄的百年大宅,後來被改造成一所學校。

這座3層高的大宅建於1902至1903年間,1928年改建為一所學校。它在第二次世界大戰期間遭到破壞,並於1954年恢復為現在的形式,作為葡萄牙社區的學校。外部有獨特的樓梯可通往所有樓層。自2012年以來,它一直被荒廢,內部幾乎完全清空。 2019年被評為二級歷史建築。


Cherie, an avid hiker and urban explorer, ventures into a deserted century-old mansion later converted into a school.

The 3-storey mansion was built between 1902 and 1903 was converted into a school in 1928. It was damaged during World War II and was rehabilitated in 1954 into the current form as a school for the Portuguese community. A distinctive staircase on the outside gives access to all floors. It has been deserted since 2012 and the interior is almost cleared of all furniture. It was rated as a Grade II historic building in 2019.

Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.

楊必興 P H Yang