Mon Mar 17 2025 03:31:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

探索半山廢棄百年警衛屋 Exploring Abandoned Century-old Guard House at Mid-Levels

一個城市探險達人進入了一座半山廢棄的具有百年歷史的中西合壁警衛屋。大概是在1901、1902年與主樓同時建造。 是2層高的中國式斜瓦頂結構,自2000年左右被廢棄。是二級歷史建築。


警衛屋大概是在1901、1902年與主樓同時建造。 該建築是2層高的中國式斜瓦頂結構,包括帶鐵欄杆的陽台,外露的雨水管和廚房煙囪。 入口通道是由大量花崗岩台階構成。 仍然保留了許多原來的房門和百葉窗。 在木結構支撐的斜屋頂上使用中國瓦是本地的調整設計。



An avid urban explorer ventures into an abandoned century-old Chinese-Western style guard house at Mid-levels.

The Guard House was probably built in 1901/1902 when the main house was built. The building is a 2-storey Chinese tiled pitched-roof structure including a verandah with iron railings, expressed rainwater pipes and a chimney stack to serve the kitchen. The entrance way is built of a grand flight of granite steps. Many of the original doors and louvered timber shutters still remain. The use of Chinese tiles for the pitched roof supported on timber frame is a local adaptation.

It has been abandoned since around 2000. It is a Grade II historic building.

Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.

楊必興 P H Yang