Tue Mar 18 2025 02:19:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Sacha 探索廢棄海景修道院 Sacha Explores Abandoned Seminary with Seaview


Sacha 是一個室內建築設計師、及全面生活方式專家,熱愛城市探險,進入一個廢棄的修道院探索。修道院帶有多柱的陽台,可欣賞開揚的海景。

在樹木和灌木叢後面隱藏著兩間大屋,結構与樹根糾纏在一起。 其中一間似乎是一間宿舍,裡面仍有破爛的碌架床。



Sacha, an interior architect designer, holistic lifestylist and avid urban explorer, ventures into an abandoned seminary with a colonaded balcony that offers expansive seaview.

There are 2 buildings hidden behind trees and bushes with roots entangled with the structure. One of the building appears to be a dormitory with a room of broken bunk beds.

A third building is found further down the slope. But uncertain if it belongs to the same compound.

Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.

楊必興 P H Yang