Tue Mar 18 2025 03:09:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

中環靜坐閱報 抗議警侵新聞自由 無懼警打壓 Central Sit-in Reading News to Protest Press Freedom Infringement Undaunted by Police




Hong Kong police summarily revised the definition of “media representative” under the “General Police Order” and cancelled the recognition of the press card issued by the Hong Kong Journalist Association and the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association. They decided to recognise only journalists from news organisations accredited with the government, sparking concern and criticism from the city’s press groups and public anxiety.

Some netizens initiated today’s “Lunch with You” flashmob in Central to defend the truth and democracy and protest against the violation of press freedom. At 1 pm, dozens of citizens gathered at Statue Square in Central, at least 1.5 metres apart, holding up Apple Daily and reading the newspaper silently to show their love for press freedom, undaunted by at least 6-8 police vans and about 20 police officers patrolling nearby in high alert.

楊必興 P H Yang