Sat Mar 15 2025 22:46:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

【抗爭重燃】中環「和你 Lunch」再現  籲5.27抗爭歸隊  [We are Back] “Lunch with You” in Central Calling for May 27 Protest




下午1時,數百人在中環置地廣場中庭共三層聚集,高舉「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗及殖民地時代旗幟,並高唱《願榮光歸香港》,展示對抗爭「五大訴求 缺一不可」熱情未減。大家高呼「5.27 金鐘見」,二樓掛上「手足希望聽日見到你」直幡,呼籲大家明日三罷,抗議國歌法二讀,無懼場外最少5輛警車部署。

Citizens are very angry at Beijing’s full-blown attack on Hong Kong by voting on National Security Laws on 28 May by the National People’s Congress on the 28 May threatening “One Country, Two Systems”; and calling for support on general strike on 27 May. The protests have been reactivated and Central Flashmob is now revived regularly.

Netizens launched the “With You Lunch” at the Landmark in Central, at 1 pm today, to protest against the Hong Kong version of National Security Laws.

At 1 pm, a few hundred protesters started gathering at all 3 levels of Landmark atrium in Central. They raised the black flags “Free Hong, Revolution of Our Time”, colonial Hong Kong flag and sang “Glory to Hong Kong”, demonstrating  they are resolute in “5 Demands, Not One Less” in their protest.

Everyone shouted “See you at Admiralty on 27 May.” On the second floor, a large banner “Brothers and sisters, hope to see you tomorrow” was hung, calling on everyone to join general strike tomorrow and protest the second reading of the national anthem law, undaunted by the 5 police vans deployed outside the mall.

楊必興 P H Yang