Sat Mar 15 2025 22:46:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

「抗爭再現」IFC「和你 Lunch」被防暴警中斷 “We are Back” – “Lunch with You” at IFC Disrupted by Riot Police

市民不滿林鄭政府抗疫工作不足,北京全方位打壓本港,破壞一國兩制。已沉寂數月的抗爭活動被激活,中環快閃已恆常化。今日下午1時在 IFC「和你Lunch」,逾100多名防暴警察進入,中斷抗議。


有網民今日1時發起在國際金融中心商場 IFC「和你Lunch」,以行動「譴責港共暴力破壞立法會制度,及反對《國歌法》本地立法」。

下午12時45分,大概50人在中環IFC共3層聚集,高舉「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗及「為自由而戰 與香港並肩」旗幟,並高唱《願榮光歸香港》,展示對抗爭「五大訴求 缺一不可」熱情未減。


“We are Back” – “Lunch with You” at IFC Disrupted by Riot Police

Angered by Carrie Lam government’s inadequate epidemic prevention and control, plus Beijing’s full-blown attack on Hong Kong’s legislative, judicial, legal and civil society – threatening “One Country, Two Systems”, the protests have been reactivated. Central Flashmob protest is now revived regularly.

Netizens launched the “With You Lunch” at IFC in Central, at 1 pm today, to “condemn Hong Kong Communist’s attempt to sabotage Legco; and against local enactment of the National Anthem Law.”

At 12:45 pm, about 4-50 protesters started gathering at IFC in 3 levels in Central. They raised the black flags “Free Hong, Revolution of Our Time”, a plague “Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong” and sang “Glory to Hong Kong”, demonstrating they are resolute in “5 Demands, Not One Less” in their protest.

At 1:05 pm, over 100 riot police entered IFC to disrupt the protest, warning them the congregation of over 8 people is illegal. The protesters dispersed peacefully. Pepper spray was deployed and a few journalists were hit. The area was cordoned off to prevent further protests. Citizens and shoppers shouted at the police for their use of excessive force and interrupted their shopping unreasonably.

楊必興 P H Yang