Sat Mar 15 2025 22:46:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

北京對一國兩制全面攻擊 激活抗爭 Beijing’s Full-blown Attack on “One Country,Two Systems” Reactivates Protests













今日中環上班族重啟「和你Lunch」活動,在有香港地標之稱的國際金融中心商場(IFC Mall),以快閃方式示威抗議,主題「反送中、反惡法、堅決反對23條立法、捍衛香港新聞自由、還香港人真雙普選」。

下午1時逾百人在IFC Mall中庭分别在三層聚集,有人舉起「光復香港 時代革命」和「爭取自由 與香港並肩」黑旗,高唱《願榮光歸香港》等抗爭歌曲,並高呼「五大訴求 缺一不可」,大批人圍觀。有人穿着「叮噹」服裝前來支持並向抗爭者分發瓶裝飲料。

With world’s attention focused on the coronavirus pandemic and protesters off the streets, Chinese and Hong Kong authorities stepped up their efforts to crack down on the city’s pro-democracy movement.

Over a span of 5 days, the city saw its legislature, judiciary, legal system and civil society come under threat.

Last Tuesday, Beijing’s Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office and the Hong Kong Liaison Office named the legislator Dennis Kwok and other democrats, for delaying the election of the chairman of the internal House Committee, may be in breach their oaths and committing misconduct in public office, implying that the democrat lawmakers should be disqualified. The Liaison Office refuted that the two offices were not subject to Article 22 of the Basic Law which prevents them in interfering in Hong Kong affairs; the Hong Kong Government issued press releases and changed its position 3 times and finally accepted the position of the Liaison Office.

On the same day, Reuters reported that Hong Kong’s judicial independence and rule of law had been threatened by Beijing’s interference, citing 3 anonymous senior judges.

Last Wednesday, Luo Huining, Director of the China Liaison Office renewed his call for the Hong Kong government to step up its efforts to safeguard national security by strengthening legislation and enforcement.

In response, pro-Beijing figures called for the implementation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, which requires the Hong Kong government to enact laws to prohibit acts of treason, secession, sedition and subversion against Beijing.

Last Saturday, 15 high-profile pro-democracy politicians, and activists were arrested on suspicion of organising and participating in various unauthorised assemblies between August and October last year.

Martin Lee, 81, founder of Democratic Party, Margaret Ng, 72, Civic Party ExComm member, former chair of Democratic Party Albert Ho, Labour Party’s Lee Cheuk-yan and media tycoon Jimmy Lai were among those rounded-up.

The accused unauthorised assemblies were part of “leaderless” movement since last June against the China extradition laws that the government was forced to withdraw. As of mid-March, over 7,800 were arrested and over 1,200 prosecuted in connection with the mass protests and over 16,000 tear gas rounds fired.

Hong Kong’s “One Country,Two Systems” is in jeopardy. The arrests drew strong criticism from human rights groups, international leaders and observers.

Owing to the coronavirus pandemic, the protests that had been subdued for several months and now finally reactivated.

Today’s office workers in Central restarted the “With You Lunch” event with a flashmob protest at the IFC Mall, a landmark of Hong Kong, to defend Hong Kong’s press freedom, and return Hong Kong people to universal suffrage.

At 1pm, more than 100 people gathered in the atrium of the IFC Mall at 3 levels. Some people raised the black flag of “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” and “Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong”, sang “Glory to Hong Kong” and other protest songs, and chanted “5 Demands, Not 1 Less.” Someone in Doramon costume came to support and distributed bottled drinks to protesters.

楊必興 P H Yang