莫斯塔的瑰寶是「老橋」(Stari Most),一座橫跨涅雷特瓦河(Neretva River)的16世紀鄂圖曼風格的橋樑,連接城市的兩側。 它建於1556年,在波斯尼亞戰爭期間被摧毀,並於2004年重建。
細小的舊城區有古老的土耳其房屋,鵝卵石鋪成的街道,有趣的商店和咖啡館。 自2005年以來,它已被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。
The jewel of Mostar, Stari Most (Old Bridge) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a 16th century Ottoman-style bridge that spans the Neretva River, connecting the two sides of the city. Built in 1556, it was destroyed during the Bosnian War and rebuilt in 2004.
The small Old Town has old Turkish houses, cobblestoned streets: interesting shops and cafes. It is a UNESCO World Heritage since 2005.