Sat Mar 15 2025 22:46:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

逾百上班族中環快閃 抗議警暴打壓港台 Over 100 in Central Flashmob to Protest Police Brutality & RTHK Suppression

有市民發起今日中環「和你Lunch (午餐)」, 抗議警察橫行暴力濫捕,打壓港台。中午1時開始,數百市民及上班族在中環畢打街置地廣場中庭及二、三層騎樓聚集,大呼「五大訴求,缺一不可」。


中午1時開始,數百市民及上班族在中環畢打街置地廣場中庭及二、三層騎樓聚集,大呼「五大訴求,缺一不可」。有人舉起「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗。市民高呼「解散警隊 刻不容缓」等口號。1:40左右,市民在置地廣場內二、三樓遊行示威。有四五個便衣警察在一直現場監察,雙方未有衝突。

Over 100 in Central Flashmob to Protest Police Brutality & RTHK Suppression

Netizens launched a “Lunch with You” flashmob during lunchtime in Central today to protest against police brutality, arbitrary arrests and suppressing RTHK.

Starting at 1 pm, over 100 citizens and office workers gathered in the atrium and balconies of the second and third floor of Landmark in Pedder Street, Central, chanting, “5 Demands, Not One Less.” A black flag of “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” was raised. Citizens chanted slogans such as “Disband the police force without delay.”

At around 1:40 pm, Protesters marched around the second and third floors of the Landmark. 4-5 plainclothes police were on the scene monitoring and there has been no conflict between the two sides.

楊必興 P H Yang