Sun Mar 16 2025 18:47:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

「西太后」長毛抗議鄧炳強打壓港台新聞自由 “Empress” Long Hair Protests Against Police Infringement on Press Freedom at RTHK



社民連及工黨數十人,今日下午1時到灣仔警察總部抗議。立法會前議員梁國雄(長毛)身穿《頭條新聞》的「西太后」造型,指出警方不是,並高叫「PK鄧打壓港台可恥 新聞自由不容剝奪」等口號。


On 15 February, PK Tang, Commissioner of Police in Hong Kong Police wrote to the Director of the Broadcasting, Mr Leung Ka-wing, to file a complaint against Radio Television Hong Kong RTHK’s “Headline News” program, which was broadcast on February 14, repeatedly mocking the police work during the coronavirus epidemic. The police also expressed great regret and asked the Director of Broadcasting to follow up. Freedom of the press and creativity are important core values of Hong Kong and cannot be taken away by any person or institution.

Dozens of people from the League of Social Democrats (LSD) and the Labour Party protested at the Wan Chai Police Headquarters at 1 pm today. Former Legislative Councillor Leung Kwok Hung (Long Hair) dressed in the Empress Cixi character in the “Headline News” program, pointing out that the wrong doings of the police, and chanting slogans such as “PK Tang shamefully suppresses freedom of the press at RTHK.”

The protest letter was later received by a representative of the police.

楊必興 P H Yang