Sun Mar 16 2025 17:46:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

7.21恐襲半周年 數百人元朗站紀念 Rally at Yuen Long for July 21 Terror Attack 6 Months On




晩上7時許,數百人在西鐵元朗站聚集,將大量7‧21白衣人無差别襲擊市民的視頻放映及展示照片,很多路過市民圍觀。示威者大部分穿黑衣戴口罩,高叫「光復香港 時代革命」、「7‧21 唔見人」、「8‧31 打死人」等口號。8時轉往YOHO Mall I 靜坐抗議。

Rally at Yuen Long for July 21 Terror Attack 6 Months On

Today is the 6-month anniversary of the 21 July Yuen Long Terrorist Attack. On that day, people dressed in white attacked the public indiscriminately at the MTR West Rail Yuen Long Station, causing a large number of citizens to be physically and psychologically injured. However, after 6 months, most witnesses have not been approached by the police, the government still refused to set up an independent commission of inquiry to thoroughly investigate the incident. Kam Tin District Councilor Lee Chung-ki launched the “July 21 Screening Memorial” at Yuen Long West Rail Station Exit G at 7 pm and has received a letter of no objection.

Democratic Party Lam Cheuk-ting and Wan Shiu-kin held a press conference with 8 victims of July 21 today, accusing P K Tang, the Commissioner of Police, and the police of failing to perform their duties to protect the citizens in the incident. Many innocent citizens were injured and compensation was required in a planned civil suit.

At 7 pm, over 100 people gathered at the West Rail Yuen Long Station. Videos were screened and photos displayed showing the terror attack on citizens indiscriminately on 21 July, attracting many passers-by. Most of the demonstrators were in black and wore masks, chanting slogans such as “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time”, “July 21 Police Missing” and “August 31 Police Murders”. At 8 pm, the crowd moved to YOHO Mall I for a sit-in protest.

楊必興 P H Yang