Mon Mar 17 2025 03:10:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

天下制裁集氣 數千人中環集會 Thousands Rally in Central for Pre-Sanction March

今日下午3時至5時在愛丁堡廣場「立即民主政改 否則天下制裁」集會,要求落實政改,否則要求國際制裁。下午3點,數千人擠滿了中環的愛丁堡廣場,高呼「為自由抗爭,與香港並肩」等口號。許多美國和英國國旗飄揚。

集會由「民間集會團隊」發起,於今日下午3時至5時在愛丁堡廣場集會,集會以「立即民主政改 否則天下制裁」為題,要求落實政改,否則計劃於下周日舉行遊行,要求國際制裁。已獲發不反對通知書。

下午3時,數千人擠滿了中環的愛丁堡廣場,高呼「為自由抗爭,與香港並肩」、「五大訴求 缺一不可」等口號。許多美國和英國國旗飄揚,有人舉起「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗。

Thousands Rally in Central for Pre-Sanction March

The rally was initiated by a “Civil Assembly Team” at Edinburgh Place today from 3 pm to 5 pm. The rally called for “immediate democratic political reform or sanctions by the world” to press for political reform in 2020 or a march calling for international sanction is planned next Sunday. A letter of no objection has been issued by the police.

At 3 pm, thousands of people filled Edinburgh Place in Central, chanting “Fight for Freedom, Stanf with Hong Kong”, “5 Demands, Not One Less”, etc. Many US and UK flags are flying and black flags of “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” were raised.

楊必興 P H Yang