Sat Mar 15 2025 23:36:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

銅鑼灣快閃 逾百參與「和你Lunch」 Over 100 in Causeway Bay “Lunch with You” Flashmob

今日(6日)網上再發起在銅鑼灣時代廣場及灣仔税務局大樓進行「和你Lunch」。下午12:45,逾百人在時代廣場聚集,下午1時,遊行隊伍走向灣仔克街,有人舉起「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗,大叫抗爭口號。


下午12:45,逾百人在銅鑼灣時代廣場聚集,高呼「五大訴求 缺一不可」。下午1時,遊行隊伍走向灣仔克街方面,再返回時代廣場,有人舉起「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗,大叫抗爭口號。有4輛警車沿途布防,雙方沒有衝突。

Anti-extradition protests is on-going. In the past few months, netizens have repeatedly launched “Lunch with You” protest flashmob activities in various districts. Today, they called for “Lunch with you” flashmob in Times Square in Causeway Bay and Revenue Tower in Wanchai.

At 12:45 pm, over 100 people gathered at Times Square in Causeway Bay, chanting “5 Demands, Not One Less.” At 1 pm, they marched towards Heard Street in Wan Chai and returned to Times Square. Someone held up a black banner reading “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” and chanted protest slogans. 4 police vans were deployed along the way but there were no conflict.

楊必興 P H Yang