Sat Mar 15 2025 23:28:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

「誓爭自由」數千人中環集會 無懼風雨 Thousands Rally in Central for Freedom Undaunted by Rain

政府面對強烈民意「五大訴求」未見更大讓步,港人的抗爭未有退潮,繼續發揮團結精神,誓用行動向國際表達訴求。今天數千人在愛丁堡廣場《香港人抗爭的日與夜》集會,高呼「光復香港 時代革命」等口號,無懼風雨。


下午2時開始,過千人聚集在中環大會堂外愛丁堡廣場,高呼「五大訴求 缺一不可」、「光復香港 時代革命」等口號,繼續發揮民間力量。現場一直下雨,部分人在騎樓下避雨,部分抗爭者撑傘示威,熱情不減,有人舉起「撑自由 反惡法」黃傘。

Faced with strong public opinion, the government has not made greater concessions to the “5 Demands” of the people. The Hong Kong people’s struggle has not ebb. They continue to show their spirit of solidarity. Various protest activities are launched in various districts, calling for support from the world. A letter of no objection was also issued today for the “Day and Night of Hong Kong Protesters” rally at Edinburgh Place in Central.

Beginning at 2 pm, thousands gathered in Edinburgh Place outside the City Hall in Central, chanting slogans such as “5 Demands, Not One Less” and “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”, and continued to exert people’s power. Protesters raised their umbrella during the rally, undaunted by the constant rain. Someone raised a yellow umbrella reading “For Freedom, No Extradition Law.”

楊必興 P H Yang