Sat Mar 15 2025 23:36:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

「光復香港」大館「黑色聖誕 光影快閃」”Free Hong Kong” – Black Christmas Light Projection at Tai Kwun

今晚在大館「黑色聖誕 光影快閃」,在監獄操場的牆壁上,投影巨型反送中示威影像,歴時20分鐘,有大批市民圍觀。


今晚6:30左右,有人在大館作「黑色聖誕 光影快閃」,在監獄操場的牆壁上,投影巨型反送中示威影像,包括曾在葵芳連儂牆展示的大型文宣及數月來示威者遊行集會的影像。過程歴時20分鐘,有大批市民圍觀。

最受注目的影像,包括曾在港鐵葵芳站對面的行人隧道車連儂牆上,展示多幅恍如藝術品般大型文宣,有「葵芳連儂美術館」之譽。早前多張大型海報遭破壞,10月31日連儂牆上再出現一幅以萬聖節為主題的超大型海報。海報以黑色為主調,印有多名電影角色包括鬼修女、小丑、V煞等,他們拿着「光復香港 時代革命」旗幟和「五大訴求 缺一不可」標語。浮世繪嚇人之處,在於惡形惡相的妖怪,還有林鄭月娥、習近平、何君堯等。

11月初,柏林的光影藝術創作團隊「光影海盜 LiCHTPiRATEN」以別出心裁的燈光設計,在大館監獄操場的牆壁光雕投影,展示德國人民向極權政府爭取統一的故事,紀念柏林圍牆倒下30周年。

今晩「黑色聖誕 光影快閃」,散發出相似的共鳴。

On Christmas Eve last night, citizens gathered in various shopping malls and streets. Police fired tear gas rounds in Tsimshatsui and Mongkok to disperse and arrested many people. A former British archbishop strongly condemned the police action and urged the British government to take concrete steps to protect Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and fundamental freedoms.

Around 6:30 tonight, a “Black Christmas Light Projection Flashmob” at Tai Kwun was organised. On the walls of the Prison Yard, compelling images of the anti-extradition protest rallies and marches were projected, including images of the huge art works that had been displayed on the Kwai Fong Lennon Wall. The projection lasted for about 20 minutes, attracting a large number of people.

The most eye-catching images, included the ones on the Lennon Wall of the pedestrian subway opposite Kwai Fong MTR station. With the reputation of “Kwai Fong Lennon Art Museum”, it had shown several large-scale very high quality art works, which have been damaged and removed. On October 31, a huge Halloween-themed art work appeared, dominated by black and included many movie characters including Joker, The Nun, V for Vendetta, etc. They held the banner of “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” and the slogan “5 Demands, Not One Less”. The image is scary lies in the evil monsters depicted, including Carrie Lam, Xi Jinping, Junius Ho and so on.

On the same walls in early November, Berlin-based LiCHTPiRATEN, a team of creative artists, commemorated the 30th anniversary of the Fall of Berlin Walls through an immersive and engrossing light installation and projection mapping of the German people’s fight for democracy and freedom against the authoritarian government.

Tonight’s “Black Christmas Light Projection” radiated similar vibes.

楊必興 P H Yang