Sat Mar 15 2025 22:46:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

歷來最大多區快閃 觀塘戴連豬Pepe頭套聲援星火 Largest Multi-District Flashmob – Piggie/Pepe Heads in Kwun Tong to Support Spark Alliance



有市民發起今日在觀塘、中環、太古、黃竹坑、葵涌、葵芳、長沙灣、新蒲崗等多區,歷來最大午膳時間「和你Lunch (午餐)」快閃活動,呼籲市民現身堅定支持星火同盟。


下午1時開始,數百市民及上班族在觀塘俊業街遊樂場外聚集,大呼「五大訴求,缺一不可」。許多人舉起海報,支持星火同盟。人群還高唱抗議歌《願榮光歸香港》,高呼「解散警隊 刻不容缓」等口號。

Police called a high profile press conference yesterday, accusing the Spark Alliance, a non-profit group that raises money to provide legal aid to arrested protesters, of involving in “money laundering” activities, arrested three men and one woman, and frozen $70 million in funds, but failed to provide specific money laundering evidence. Barristers said that the money laundering allegation is outrageous.

Netizens have launched the largest ever “Lunch with you” flashmob in Kwun Tong, Central, Taikoo, Wong Chuk Hang, Kwai Chung, Kwai Fong, Cheung Sha Wan, San Po Kong, and other districts today to support the Spark Alliance.

The network station “Sing Jai” has previously recruited a group of volunteers and produced over 100 fiberglass Pepe and Piggie masks which was used during the protest march on 8 December. The sponsor, Lau Sai-leung, said: “I hope to tell the world with a humorous, confident, and relaxed manner that after half a year of tyranny in Hong Kong, Hong Kong people are still united.” The Piggie and Pepe are two cartoon characters that often appear on the Lennon Walls. They are the most representative and recognizable resistance mascot. Many people wore these masks today to participate in the flashmob protest in Kwun Tong.

Beginning at 1 pm, hundreds of citizens and office workers gathered outside the Kwun Tong Chun Yip Street Playground and shouted, chanted “5 Demands, Not One Less”. Many held up posters in support of the Spark Alliance. The crowd also sang the protest song “Glory to Hong Kong”, chanted slogans such as “Disbanding the police without delay”.

楊必興 P H Yang