Sat Mar 15 2025 22:46:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

中環快閃 交易廣場「和你Lunch」 Central Flashmob “Lunch with You” at Exchange Square


網民發起在中環交易廣場「和你Lunch」中午快閃示威,中午1時,數百人聚集在交易廣場外及行人天橋,以中英文叫口號,包括”Fight for Freedom”、”Stand with Hong Kong”、「解散警隊,刻不容緩」等。亦有人呼叫”Sign the Bill”(簽署法案),希望美國總統特朗普,簽署已在參眾兩院通過的《香港人權與民主法案》。


Netizens launched a “Lunch with You” flashmob at Exchange Square” in Central. At 1 pm, hundreds of people gathered outside Exchange Square and the pededtrian footbridge. They chanted “Fight for Freedom”, “Stand with Hong Kong”, “Disband the police force immediately”. Some chanted “Sign the Bill”, hoping that US President Trump will sign the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy bill, which was passed in the House and Senate.

At 1:35 pm, there was a dispute between the protesters and a few Mainlanders. Masked riot police arrived to separate the two groups. The police officers did not display their action number or warrant card. Some reversed their warrant card. The public shouted at the riot police and the police retreated. The protesters reminded everyone to “go to vote on Sunday.”


楊必興 P H Yang