Sat Mar 15 2025 23:28:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

理大學生蒙面快閃 抗議校長拒與戴口罩畢業生握手 PolyU Students Flashmob to Protest President’s Rude Treatment of Masked Graduates



今日2時半起,大批理大畢業生身穿黑衣,戴上V煞面具,並將寫有「光復香港」、「時代革命」、「敢學而言,不默而生」的黑色橫額放在百步梯旁,呼籲在場的畢業生,及共同參與快閃行動。有學生以小熊維尼的裝扮出,並手持”Free China”的標語進場,引起在場人仕歡呼支持,要求合拍。拍攝大合照期間,畢業生們高舉代表「五大訴求」的手掌,並高叫「光復香港,時代革命」、「香港人,反抗」。

On 27 October, at the 25th graduation ceremony of Polytechnic University (PolyU), the new president of PolyU, Teng Jin-guang, who took office in July, refused to shake hands with two graduates wearing masks. The Student Union think that Teng’s approach is disrespectful to students and himselves. PolyU continues to hold graduation ceremony this week. Some graduates plan  a masked flashmob action today to protest against the president and the government’s invoking the Emergency Law to pass the mask ban.

At 2:30 pm today, a number of PolyU graduates were dressed in black, wearing V-masks. They put up black banners with “Free Hong Kong”, “Revolution of Our Time” and “Dare to Speak Up, Not Cowed in Silence”, next to the 100-step stairs. They call on the graduates present to participate in the flashmob action. Some students dressed up as Winnie the Pooh carrying placards with “Free China”, attracting cheering support of the students present who asked for joint photos. During the group photo, the graduates held up their hands for “5 Demands, Not One Less” and chanted “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” and “Hong Kong people, Resist.”

楊必興 P H Yang