Mon Mar 17 2025 08:22:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

黃之鋒仍未入閘 香港有否公平公正參選「試金石」? Joshua Wong Still Unconfirmed – Litmus Test for Fair and Just Election for Hong Kong?







Hong Kong District Council elections is imminent, with 452 constituencies in Hong Kong and more than 1,000 candidates, only Joshua Wong is still unconfirmed as a candidate. The 17 democratic candidates for the Southern District Council election held a rally in Aberdeen yesterday. Joshua Wong said that he did not receive a reply to from the Returning Officer (RO) for the third time last night. It is believed that the “Returning Officer, the Government and Beijing cannot come to an agreement” as they could not find any legal justification for disqualification (DQ), resulting in repeated delays, and urged the RO to uphold the principle of civil servant political neutrality and make a clear decision based on his reply.

Joshua Wong, the only South Horizons West constituency candidate who has not been confirmed. After a sudden last minute change of RO, he has replied to new RO Laura Liang Aron for the third time to reaffirm his political stand and for the first time that Hong Kong independence cannot be an acceptable self-determination option.

The Hong Kong Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) announced the establishment of the Crisis Management Committee. It will provide advice to the EAC on whether to postpone the elections due to bad weather and public safety. The committee has not met at present but it is suspected that the government is paving the way for postponement of the election.

Judy Chan of the pro-Beijing New People’s Party and pro-democracy financier Kelvin Lam are also running in South Horizons West.

楊必興 P H Yang