Sun Mar 16 2025 17:46:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

7.21恐襲三個月 全港各區港鐵站集會抗議 Rallies at MTR Stations 3 Months After Terror Attack of 21 July




晩上7:30,大概80-100人在銅鑼灣站聚集,將大量7.21白衣人無差别襲擊市民的照片和視頻展示,很多路過市民圍觀。示威者大部分穿黑衣戴口罩,高叫「光復香港 時代革命」、「香港人,反抗!」等口號。接近10時,港鐵停止服務才散去。


3 months after the 21 July terror attack at Yuen Long, netizens called for a sit-in protest at Yuen Long Station last night on 21 October. MTR Corp closed the station at 2 pm and the nearby shopping malls were shut down. The public changed to stage sit-in protests at MTR stations in 18 districts across the city, to protest against the police’s failed enforcement on that day.

The police announced that 34 people were arrested for the 21 July attack, but only 6 of them were charged with rioting. On the other hand, over 2,600 protesters were arrested and most of them charged with rioting, showing indiscriminate arrests and injustices.

At 7:30 pm, about 80-100 people gathered at Causeway Bay Station, displaying photos and videos of the 21July terror attack, attracting the attention of many passing by. Most of the protesters wore black with masks, chanting “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of the Time” and “Hong Kong people, Resist!” They dispersed near 10 pm, when the subway service ended.

80-90 people also gathered at Taikoo Station. They put lots of photos of Junius Ho, who is the suspected mastermind behind the 21 July attack, for people to trample on.

楊必興 P H Yang