Sat Mar 15 2025 23:00:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

全港「和你拖 面具人鏈」抗議蒙面法──尖沙咀 Hong Kong-wide Hand-in-Hand Masked Human Chain at Tsimshatsui

網民發起昨晚在港鐵沿線進行「和你拖 面具人鏈」行動,針對政府以《緊急法》硬推《蒙面法》。尖沙咀海旁,有人戴上岑子杰面具,拉起巨型「我們都是岑子杰」横幅。旁邊有人穿白衣,變身「香港民主女神像」。

特首林鄭月娥《施政報告》親警察港鐵遠人民,為了對抗專權,民間繼續以不同方式發聲。網民發起昨晚在港鐵沿線進行「和你拖 面具人鏈」行動,針對政府以《緊急法》硬推《蒙面法》,同時向全世界顯示香港人的團結,向國際社會展示港人仍會以和平理性手段爭取五大訴求,對抗極權。


Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s “Policy Address” is pro-police and MTR but fails to address the demands of the people. To fight against the authoritarianism, people continue to resist. Netizens launched the “Hand-in-hand Masked Human Chain” along the MTR lines last night, to protest against the “mask ban” invoked with the “Emergency Law”. At the same time, it demonstrated the unity of the people of Hong Kong to the international community that they will continue to fight for totalitarianism with peaceful and rational means.

Tsim Sha Tsui has a strong presence of human chain on the waterfront. More than a dozen people wear masks of Jimmy Sham holding a giant banner “We are all Jimmy Sham”  to support the convenor of the Civil Human Rights Front, who was recently attacked and hospitalised by thugs. Someone dressed in white to mimic “Hong Kong Lady Liberty” statue. Some people wear masks of Xi Jinping and Carrie Lam.


楊必興 P H Yang