Sat Mar 15 2025 20:58:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

太子站重陽追思會 悼念反送中亡魂 Chung Yeung Memorial Service at Prince Edward Mourns Anti-extradition Deaths





For nearly 4 months of the Anti-China Extradition movement, many people have committed suicide. In addition, rumours arerife of arrested person being killed in the San Uk Ling Detention Centre and Protesters being killed at Prince Edward MTR Station on 31 August. Although the Government has repeatedly clarified that no one has died, the public still set up an altar of flower at the Prince Edward Station.

Today is Chung Yeung Festival, netizens and a Christian group “Disciple Media” launched a “Chung Yeung Memorial Service for Anti-Extradition Martyrs” at the Prince Edward Station at 7 pm, mourning 9 who had passed away, the 3 missing on 31 August and numerous people who died mysterously in the the last months.

Hundreds of people gathered outside Exit B1 of Prince Edward Station, offering flowers and burning joss paper. A large white banner reading “Tainted police murdered here.”

楊必興 P H Yang