Thousands of protesters and key activists of Umbrella Movement stand at attention silently at Lennon Wall in Admiralty for 3 minutes at 5:58 pm, when the first of 87 canisters of tear gas was launched by the police 5 years ago that ignited the mass protest movement.
Over 15 thousands are back at Tamar Park in Admiralty at 7-9 pm to commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Umbrella Movement. 70-80% of the lawn and neighbouring areas are filled by 6 pm.
On 28 September 28 2014, tens of thousands of protesters demanding universal suffrage and democracy took to the streets of Hong Kong. The Umbrella Movement – so called because demonstrators carried umbrellas to shield themselves from police pepper spray – took over the main street in the city centre. A seminal event for Hong Kong that lasted 79 days and drew over 1.2 million people.