Mon Mar 17 2025 03:11:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

數千中學生集會 無懼高温反修例 Thousands of Students Rally Against Extradition Undaunted by Scorching Heat


《逃犯條例》修訂引發的政治風波持續,有網民日前發起「8.22 中學生反修例集會」,已獲警方發出不反對通知書。



The political turmoil caused by the amendment of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance has continued. Some netizens have recently launched the “22 August Secondary School Student Anti-Extradition Rally” which has been issued a notice of no objection by the police.

Thousands of high school students, undaunted by 33 degrees scorching heat, gathered with umbrellas at Edinburgh Place in Central, starting at 3 pm until 7 pm.

After the opening by a secondary school student representative, pan-democrat legislator Tam Man-ho, came up to the stage to share and gave a pep talk.

楊必興 P H Yang