Tue Mar 18 2025 02:33:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

曼城傑志友賽 球迷示威盼國際關注 Fans Seek World Attention at Manchester Match



英國廣播公司、ESPN均有攝製隊在港,故有網民在連登發起,在賽事第21分鐘唱起Do You Hear the People Sing, 全場球迷響應呼籲,唱《孤星淚》名曲,以求引起國際關注7月21日晚在元朗發生的暴力事件。

有球迷舉起「反送中」(No China Extradition)、「立即真雙普選」標語,其後由東看台帶起,全場開始高叫港足打氣口號「香港人,加油!」、「Hong Kong is not China」、「光復香港,時代革命」。

下半場66分鐘,北看台球迷再舉牌,高呼「沒有暴動,只有暴政」,並再次高唱Do You Hear the People Sing

The violent mob attacks in Yuen Long on Sunday night injured 45 innocent people, including journalists. Netizens took advantage of the friendly match between the Premier League champion Manchester City and Hong Kong Super League Kitchee last night at the Hong Kong Stadium to get global attention.

BBC and ESPN has film crews in Hong Kong, so some netizens proposed singing Do You Hear the People Sing on the 21st minute of the event. The fans responded to the call and sang the theme song of “les Miserables” to seek international attention on the violent attack in Yuen Long on the evening of July 21.

Some fans raised banners reading “No China Extradition” and “Double Real Suffrage Now”. Later, Fans at the East Stand started chanting “Hong Kong People, Add Oil!”, “Hong Kong is Not China”, “Recover Hong Kong, the Revolution of the Time” and the whole stadium responded.

During the second half of the game, the North Stand fans raised their placards and shouted “No Riots, Only Tyranny” and sang Do You Hear the People Sing again.

楊必興 P H Yang