Sun Mar 16 2025 18:53:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

再一次史詩式民主大遊行 Another Epic March for Democracy

遊行的腳印從我出生開始,毫無停息地在時代的路上,一步接着一步向前踩着。(當代台灣 蘇紹連)







When all west-bound traffic lanes are flooded with protesters outside Victoria Park, the starting point of the annual protest march, it points to another record-breaking epic rally for democracy marking the 22nd anniversary of city’s return to Chinese rule. 50,000 marched last year. This year probably exceed 500,000.

Many defy police warnings by joining in after the official start from Victoria Park, where a celebration organised by a pro-China group

that took over the six footall courts is attended only by a handful of people. Protesters are forced to squeeze into a small lawn at great inconvenience.

The protesters marched from Causeway Bay to Chater Road in Central demanding ‘No Extradition to China’ and ‘Carrie Lam Step Down’.

Visual artist Kacey Wong marched all the way with a huge black flag, symbolising “Give me liberty or give me death”.

Earlier at 3:20 am, a black Hong Kong regional flag was hung at the flagpole outside the Legislative Council, juxtaposed against the red regional flag flying at half mast next to it, satirising the official flag raising ceremony at Golden Bauhinia Square. It symbolises the protest against the authoritarian rule and numerous political prisoners in China and Hong Kong.

楊必興 P H Yang