Mon Mar 17 2025 03:10:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

萬人圍警總 追究警濫暴 10,000 Seige Police HQ After Excessive Force




The anti-extradition law protests escalated throughout Friday as thousands occupied streets between Admiralty and Wan Chai, demanding the bill be dropped and the police be investigated for alleged excessive force.

At 11 am, thousands of protesters occupied Harcourt Road in Admiralty. Afterwards, Joushua Wong of Hong Kong Demosisto and numerous demonstrators surrounded the Wan Chai Police Headquarters for 15 hours, demanding an investigation into the police use of excessive force. Over 10,000 participated peacefully until 3 am.

The Civil Rights Front called on the public to gather at the Edinburgh Place in Central on 8 pm Wednesday (26th) before the G20 summit in Japan to galvanise international support.

楊必興 P H Yang