Sat Mar 15 2025 05:39:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

歷史性200萬人怒吼 林鄭被迫道歉 Historical 2 Million March Forces Carrie Lam to Apologise

「星星之火 可以燎原」──歷史性示威。

歷史性200萬市民6月16日上街反送中惡法,重新佔領金鐘夏慤道,拉起「星星之火 可以燎原」大横幅。





During the historic 2 million men march on June 16 to oppose the China extradition law, Harcourt Road at Admiralty is reoccupied with a banner ‘A single spark can start a prairie fire’.

The stunning public outcry forced Chief Executive Carrie Lam to apologise, acknowledging that the government failed to smooth out great contradictions and disputes in the society. But there was no clear indication that the amendments of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance would be withdrawn.

The march appeared as a sea of black, led by two huge banners reading, “Anguish with Bleeding Heart” and “Withdraw the Evil Law”, from day to night. It is rare for the police to open all traffic lanes of Hennessy Road, Lockhart Road, Johnston Road, Jaffe Road and west-bound Gloucester Road to the crowds. The march lasted for more than 8 hours, and the organisers said nearly 2 million people participated, the highest number ever.

The organisers made five major demands, including the withdrawal of amendments, the investigation of police shootings, no prosecution of protesters, recind classification of ‘riot’, and the demand Carrie Lam be accountable and step down.

Legislator Claudia Mo said that Lam did not respond to any demands and had lost a whole generation of Hong Kong people, and was brewing to give her a deadline.

楊必興 P H Yang