盂蘭節藝術家「燒數簿」陳佩玲哀喪失投票權 Artists “On Fire” at Ghost Fest as Peggy Chan Laments Loss of Voting Rights


昨日是農曆七月十四日盂蘭節,不少市民按傳統習俗在街上「燒街衣」,超渡游魂野鬼。C&G 藝術單位自 2016 年起,每年盂蘭節均舉辦「燒數簿」行為藝術,邀請藝術家焚燒自製紮作。希望透過此活動讓大家多一個機會發聲,抒解心中鬱結,一方面諷刺時弊。

昨晚在太子水渠道花園有十多藝術家參與,包括黃國才、陳佩玲(Peggy Chan) 、黎文浩等。他們自製的紮作有抗爭裝備、投票箱、小熊維尼、鹿、病毒頭盔、巨型口罩、雨傘等,均有近期社會事件的聯想。

藝術家陳佩玲自製三個投票箱,紅、白、藍三色,象徵港人對一人一票真選舉的民主訴求。投票箱上寫了 8964、721、831 等對港人意義深長的數字,陳指「唔希望呢啲香港人嘅記憶被刪除、修改」。政府全民病毒檢測,地點與選舉地點大部分相同,而且已恢復開學,為何還仍將立法會選舉延期一年?



Yesterday was Hungry Ghost (Yulan) Festival, the 14th day of the 7th month on the lunar calendar. According to traditional customs, many citizens “burn offerings on the streets” for the wandering souls and ghosts.  Since 2016, the C&G Artpartment has organised the “On Fire” performance art every year during the Yulan Festival, inviting artists to burn their self-made artworks. Through this activity, everyone will have an opportunity to speak out, to express their negative feelings, and to satirize the ridiculous current affairs.

Last night, more than a dozen artists participated at the Nullah Road Garden in Prince Edward, including Kacey Wong, Peggy Chan, and Lai Man-ho.  Their self-made paper artworks include protest gear, ballot boxes, Winnie the Pooh, deer, virus helmets, giant masks, umbrellas, etc, all associated with current affairs.

Artist Peggy Chan made three ballot boxes, in red, white and blue, which symbolize the democratic aspirations of Hong Kong people for genuine universal suffrage. On the ballot box were written 8964, 721, 831, figures that are of great significance to Hong Kong people. Chan pointed out that “I don’t want the memories of Hong Kong people to be erased or modified.”  The government’s citywide virus tests use the same locations as most of the polling sites, and classes has resumed. Why is the Legislative Council election still postponed for one year?

Artist Kacey Wong made protest hear – a yellow helmet, gas mask, “Fire Wizard suit” and “Smoke Extinguishing Team suit” to burn for his future self. Wong said that he admired the fighting role of the Fire Wizards and the Smoke Extinguishing Team, “risking their lives to fight for Hong Kong’s democracy and freedom.”

Artist Li Man-ho made a large Winnie the Pooh with a mace in his hand, satirizing the warrior diplomacy of a leader of a superpower, and the National Security Law that sacrificed the future of Hong Kong, hoping that everything would disappear after cremation.

楊必興 P H Yang