6‧9百萬人上街周年 數千人中環流水式大遊行 Thousands March in Waves in Central on Anniversary of June 9 Million Man March




晚上香港島大遊行,以對抗比第23條更嚴苛的「港版國安法」。晚上6:30,數千人在中環遮打花園聚集,高舉「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗及殖民地時代旗幟,並高唱《願榮光歸香港》,展示對抗爭「五大訴求 缺一不可」熱情未減,以流水式遊行,佔據皇后大道中往中環方向,並點起手機燈,無懼最少20輛警車及數百防暴警在附近部署。

Thousands March in Waves in Central on Anniversary of June 9 Million Man March

On 9 June 2019, a record 1.03 million people took to the streets to protest the extradition laws, the largest march in Hong Kong in 16 years since 2003 that prompted the Hong Kong government to stay the legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law.

Today is the first anniversary of June 9 march. Netizens called for “Lunch with You” protests in 7 districts in Hong Kong, including Central, Wan Chai, Taikoo, Kwai Chung, San Po Kong, Kowloon Bay and Kwun Tong. Hundreds gathered at Landmark atrium in Central for the flashmob protest.

In the evening, a march is held on Hong Kong Island against the Hong Kong version of the National Security Laws, which is more stringent than Article 23. The march time is 6:30 pm from Chater Garden towards Central in waves.

At 6:30 pm, thousands of people gathered at Chater Garden in Central and marched towards Central in Waves. Some raised the black flags “Free Hong, Revolution of Our Time”, colonial Hong Kong flag and sang “Glory to Hong Kong”, demonstrating they are resolute in “5 Demands, Not One Less” in their protest. They occupied Queen’s Road Central marching to Central, and lit up their mobile phone undaunted by at least 20 police cars and hundreds of riot police deployed nearby.

楊必興 P H Yang