卡馬雷斯是蘭納卡最古老的輸水道,由鄂圖曼帝國總督科卡‧貝吉爾·帕夏(Koca Bekir Pasha)於18世紀建造,採用傳統的羅馬技術, 從距蘭納卡約6英里外的水源引水入城。
Kamares Aqueduct of Narnaca Cyprus
The Kamares is the oldest aqueduct of Larnaca. The aqueduct was built in the 18th century by the Ottoman Governor Koca Bekir Pasha, using traditional Roman techniques, to bring water to the city from a source located about 6 miles from Larnaca.
The aqueduct has a total length of 16 km, including its underground channel. Some historians believe it is actually a Roman creation that was refurbished by the Ottomans.