6000人(其中大部分是母親,手持黑色康乃馨,身穿黑衣)參加反對警暴和「反送中」修例靜坐,於2019年6月14日逼爆了中環遮打花園。有人高舉「不要槍殺我們的孩子」 、「母親很堅強」等標語牌。 6月12日,警察使用催淚彈、布袋彈和橡膠子彈向年輕的示威者暴力清場。
多邊形畫廊 Polygon Gallery,加拿大卑詩省北温哥華市 101 Carrie Cates Ct,V7M 3J4 | 2020年1月16-26日
攝影記者對談| 2020年1月22日晩上7-9時
6,000 people – most of them mothers, dressed in black holding carnations – joined in a sit-in against police brutality and the China extradition law – completely filled Chater Garden in Central on 14 June 2019. Some raised “Don’t shoot our kids”, “Mother is Strong” and other placards. On 12 June, police violently cleared the young protesters using tear gas, bean bags and rubber bullets.
One of 2 images of this photographer that are included in the Revolution of Our Times (RooT), a multi-city photographic exhibition sharing the collective work of photojournalists who were on the ground, covering the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Protests in Hong Kong. The exhibition seeks to illuminate stories and ideas that go far beyond the headlines of conventional media coverage.
Our fast moving global media environment tends to purge nuance, and gloss over complexity, in favor of delivering small digestible bits of information. Revolution of Our Times embraces complexity by exploring a variety of themes including: police intervention, control and influence, the role and uses of power in society, cultural division with long histories, the role of propaganda, leadership and resilience, and the effects of disruption to the daily life of a society.
RooT endeavors to share this important body of work by bringing photos, artifacts, artwork, and human stories to major world cities with the goal of making the struggle of the citizens of Hong Kong real, and to put their fight into context. It will quickly become apparent that despite the distance, cultural divide, and differing histories, there are a set of human values for which we all yearn, and a brave and desperate few are willing to fight for.
We invite you to step out of our world for a moment, and join us on the streets of Hong Kong and to experience the Revolution of Our Times.
The Polygon Gallery, 101 Carrie Cates Ct, North Vanvouver, British Columbia, Canada V7M 3J4 | 16-26 Jan 2020
Photojournalist Talk | 22 Jan 2020 7-9 pm