11:15 和平佔領金鐘 Peaceful Occupy of Admiralty

自由呀!你的日子難道永遠不會來到? (和平示威 – 法國 路易絲米歇爾 1870)






Groups urge supporters to disrupt city’s transport links, picnic outside government headquarters, or go on strike on Friday 21 June, after their 4 demands were ignored by Carrie Lam. The principles are no bloodshed, no injuries and no arrests.

Legislators Fernando Cheung and Kwok Ka-ki led a group of fathers and  mothers to protest outside the Chief Executive’s Office on Thursday afternoon, and called on the city’s leader to meet the young protesters and answer their demands.

“Carrie Lam, don’t shoot our kids,” their placards read.

Government notified civil servants that headquarters would be closed on Friday for security reasons.

Embattled administration fights behind the scenes, while possibility of a cabinet reshuffle has been raised. Legislators from both sides expect little to be achieved in the Legislative Council over the next few months.

楊必興 P H Yang