黑山國高托爾的倒影 Reflection at Kotor in Montenegro


高托爾坐落在黑山海岸美麗的海灣上, 是一座沉浸在傳統和歷史中的城市,風景秀麗。

有聲有色的老城區是一個迷宮,由鵝卵石鋪成的小巷,中世紀教堂, 大教堂,威尼斯式宮殿和石柱,由城牆包圍保護。

自1979年以來, 高托爾就被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產。

Located on a beautiful bay on the coast of Montenegro, Kotor is a city steeped in tradition and history, with remarkable scenic views.

The dramatic old town is a maze of cobblestoned alleys, medieval churches, cathedrals, Venetian palaces and pillars, protected by the city walls fortification.

Kotor is a UNESCO World Heritage since 1979.

楊必興 P H Yang