黃泥涌峽機槍堡 JL01 Pillbox JL01 at Wong Nai Chung Gap

第二次世界大戰香港保衛戰期間,黃泥涌峽是一個英軍重要據點,當中的機槍堡 JL01 和 JL02在戰役中,對日軍造成逾 600人的傷亡。今天兩個機槍堡仍算保留完好。

第二次世界大戰香港保衛戰期間,黃泥涌峽是一個英軍重要據點和戰場,當中的機槍堡 JL01 和 JL02在戰役中,對日軍造成逾 600人的傷亡。(日軍進攻香港的總傷亡人數為 2754人)。

今天兩個機槍堡仍算保留完好,亦成為黃泥涌峽徑景點之一。左面是 JL01 圓柱形的瞭望槽,右面是長方形的通風槽,機槍堡主體在地底。

During the defense of Hong Kong in World War II, Wong Nai Chung Gap was an important British stronghold and battlefield. The pillbox (small concrete fort with machine guns) JL01 and JL02, caused more than 600 casualties to the Japanese during the battle. (The total number of Japanese casualties during the attack on Hong Kong
was 2,754).

Today, the 2 pillbox are still reasonably well preserved, and have become one of the attractions of the Wong Nai Chung Gap Trail. On the left is a cylindrical periscope shaft, and on the right a rectangular ventilation shaft. The main structure of the pilbox is underground.

楊必興 P H Yang