砵甸乍炮台,位於魔鬼山的山腰,鄰近鯉魚門石礦場,1902年落成。 炮台建有兩個9.2吋炮台、兩座探射燈、火藥庫及營房。
Pottinger Battery, located on lower Devil’s Peak, near the Lei Yue Mun Quarry, was completed in 1902. The Battery has two 9.2-inch cannons, two searchlights, an amunition depot and barracks.
In 1940, the two cannons were moved to the Bokhara Battery in Cape D’Aguilar. The No. 1 gun base is now covered under dirt, and the No. 2 gun base and the searchlight bases are abandoned. From the Battery, you can overlook the Lei Yue Mun Strait and Victoria Harbour with a nice view.