Fri Mar 14 2025 05:19:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

雲端 Above the Clouds


暴風雨之後,我城沉浸在浩瀚雲海中,只見最高的摩天大樓之頂部, 如國際金融中心(左)和中國銀行大廈(右)。一黑鳶(麻鷹) 翱翔其上。

香港 · 山頂


After the thunderstorm, the city is immersed in a sea of clouds. Only the top of the tallest skyscrappers, such as the Internnational Finance Centre (left) and the Bank of China Building (right), peek through with a black kite (hawk) soaring above.

The Peak · Hong Kong

楊必興 P H Yang