有市民發起今日繼續三罷,在中環等多區有人在午膳時間號召「和你lunch (午餐)」活動,呼籲市民現身聲援抗爭。中午12時開始,逾千市民及上班族在中環畢打街聚集,高呼「香港人,報仇」及「支持中大」。
有人用磚頭、雪糕桶、廢紙箱等物堵路。中午12:45,大批市民向環球大廈方向進發,佔領干諾道中,繼續向上環方向遊行,高呼「五大訴求 缺一不可」。
On the fourth day of general strike in Hong Kong, a “Lunch with Us” flashmob started again in several districts such as Central , calling on people to rally at lunch time to show their support for the movement. Starting at 12 noon, over 1,000 people and office workers gathered in Pedder Street in Central and chanted “Hong Kong people, Resist” and “Support Chinese University”..
Some people have blocked the roads with bricks, plastic barricades, traffic cones, garbage bins, etc. At 12:45 pm, people started marching towards Worldwide House and occupied Connaught Road Central. Some removed garbage from the bins and spread them to block the roads. They then marched towards Sheung Wan, chanting “5 demands, not one less.”