被遺棄的馬灣鬼村 Abandoned Ma Wan Ghost Village


在被遺棄的馬灣鬼村充滿塗鴉。馬灣漁村曾經是一個繁盛的漁村,有高腳棚屋、餐館和學校,現在是鬼城。2011年,政府驅趕了居民,有些人不情願,讓位於新鴻基地產為5000戶家庭開發的大型封閉式屋邨珀麗灣(Park Island)。

該島的歷史悠久,可追溯到新石器時代,近年來, 由於住房開發的迫切需求,許多歷史古蹟均被吞沒。

Graffiti at the abandoned village of Ma Wan. Once a thriving fishing village with stilt houses, restaurants and a school, Ma Wan fishing village
is now a ghost town. The residents were evicted by the government in 2011, some unwillingly, to give way to Park Island, a huge gated housing estate developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties for 5000 families.

The island has a long history, dating back to Neolithic times, much of which has been swallowed in recent years by the ever hungry need for housing development.

楊必興 P H Yang