凌晨3時12分,一名紋身男子正在油麻地果欄工作。2009年被評為二級歷史建築。該批發市場建於1913年,是一個長方形的場地,裏面擠滿了市場攤位和店屋,樓高1-2層。 凌晨3-6時之間的活動最熱鬧。
At 3:12 am, a tattooed man was working at Yaumatei Fruit Market, named a Grade II historic building in 2009. Built in 1913, the wholesale market consists of a rectangular site packed with market stalls and shophouses, one and two stories high. It is buzzing with activities between 3 to 6 am.
The most distinctive feature of the Market is the unusual use of Dutch Colonial gables and pediments, carved with the traders’ brand names.