該地區被指定為解放軍駐軍的碼頭,於6月29日凌晨零時正式生效前幾分鐘,朱凱迪和一小群抗議者越過了圍欄,在海邊圍欄掛上「還我海濱,反對割地」大横幅。 抗議者還將紙飛機扔進場地。
Thousands led by Legislator Eddie Chu protested peacefully against government’s move to give 0.3-hectare 150-metre-long strip of land on the Central harbourfront to the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) garrison around 10 pm Friday night.
Chu and a small group of protesters crossed over into the fenced-off site just minutes before the area was designated a dock of the garrison at midnight. Large banners with “Return the waterfront to us!” and “Against cessation of land” were tied to the railing on the harbourfront. Protesters also threw paper planes into the site.
Riot police arrived with batons and shields, clearing the protesters and journalists from the site, about 200 metres from a PLA base, but made no arrests. Standoff ensued across the fence until around 1 am this morning when protesters dispersed peacefully.