盂蘭節「濟練幽科」超度冤魂 Trancendence and Salvation Ceremonies at Yulan Fest

農曆7月15日,筲箕灣南安坊坊眾會舉行盂蘭勝會,亦稱鬼節。 祭祀活動中,道士舉行「濟練幽科」儀式,同於超度、濟度,就是「 拔度冤魂,冰消萬罪,和釋冤讎」,各昇天界,永脫沉淪的意思。



Taoist priests perform relieving ceremonies for transcendence and salvation. It means “to save the souls of injustice, to eliminate all sins, and to relieve the injustices.” Part of the Hungry Ghost (Yulan) Festival celebrations organised by the Shaukeiwan Nam On Fong-chung (Neighbourhood) Association on Wednesday.

Yulan Festival falls the 7th lunar month when the gate of hell is temporarily opened when wandering spirits and ghosts lingered on the street. People make offerings to appease these transient spirits.

楊必興 P H Yang