Fri Mar 14 2025 05:19:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

百萬人怒哮 反送中惡法 Million Protest Against Extradition to China

抗議回天意。 (宋 陸游)








A record 1.03 million took to the streets, the largest protest in 16 years, to protest the proposed amendment to extradite fugitives to China, according to organisers.

This is the largest protest in Hong Kong since the July 1st Rally in 2003, which prompted the Hong Kong Government to suspend the introduction of Article 23 on national security of the Basic Law.

Concerns about the proposed law include democratic and human rights groups, university and secondary school students, the media, church groups, lawyers, and even pro-establishment figures who are rarely against the government.

Benny Tai, law professor at the University of Hong Kong, who is jailed the civil disobedience movement Occupy Central of2014, called on the people to participate in protest. He said, ‘the extradition law is the largest threat facing Hong Kong. Once passed, Hong Kong will regress to One Country One System.’

In April, 130,000 people marched against the law. 180,000 people gathered to mourn the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 4, while opposing law. On June 6, 3,000 lawyers marched in black, plus the Bar Association and the Law Society both opposed the amendment.

The US Secretary of State and the German and British foreign ministers have already stated their opposition to the regulation, while 11 representatives from the European Union met with Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam and handed her a démarche, a formal protest note.

The Carrie Lam government ignored public opinion and international concern, refused broadly-based consultation and trying to ram through the law. Let’s  hope the government will come to its senses.

楊必興 P H Yang